PURE RAW HONEY – Size : 3.5kg
Important Note For Honey Consumers
The health and medicinal benefits of honey can only be effective provided that the honey is raw, pure, and organic. Most honeys on the market are treated with high heat, ultra-filtered, removing many of honey's beneficial nutrients, enzymes, and antibacterial properties which are sensitive to heat. Besides, non-organic honey may contain traces of chemicals and pesticides that are harmful to the body. So choose raw and organic honey.
Why Replace Sugar With Pure Raw Honey?
Common table sugar is known as sucrose. Though sucrose does exist in natural form, it is always found in combination with fibre and other nutrients. God placed sucrose in high-fibre substances (for example, sugarcane) in order to protect us from overconsumption of the sucrose.
Sugar as we know it today is a manmade substance. Man has removed the fibre and all other nutrients and concentrated the remaining sugar. As a result, the sucrose in our sugar bowls contains concentrations far exceeding those of any food that exists naturally. This unnatural substance often creates havoc to the normal physiological functions of the body.
What Is Honey?
Honey is an important food source for bees. Bees must visit 2.5 million flowers and fly 35,000 miles to make one pound (0.45 kg) of honey.Honey is absorbed much more slowly than is table sugar, thus stretching the available energy of honey over a longer period of time and preventing the excessive swings of energy and fatigue associated with table sugar.
Honey also has many of the necessary enzymes required to digest and convert its nutrients into energy properly.For centuries, honey has been used not only in food and beverages, but also for health and medicinal purposes.
The source of this raw honey is from New Zealand. The hives are located in the lush pastures and leather wood rainforests of the World Heritage areas which are entirely free from insecticides and pesticides!
Scientific trials revealed amazing health benefits
- The prebiotic content of raw honey was reported to promote intestinal microflora balance, which may be beneficial for gut function and contribute to improvement of general health and lipid metabolism1.
- There was enhanced antioxidant capacity when honey was used, with a decrease susceptibility of heart lipid peroxidation2.
- Honey was found to be more effective than dextromethorphan (cough suppressant drug) in improving sleep and cough score in children aged between 2 to 17 years old3.
- The presence of natural hydrogen peroxide and flavonoids in honey interferes with platelet aggregation and blood coagulation, thus interrupts the thrombotic progress of atherosclerotic disease4
How To Take
- Use honey in place of table sugar in your drinks
- To enjoy sweetened yogurt without excess sugar, add a little raw honey into plain yogurt
- For sleeplessness, a combination of raw honey and apple cider vinegar promotes sound sleep
- For sore throat, mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of bee pollen, and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water
The 21st Century Health Challenge
Common table sugar is known as sucrose. In nature, sucrose is always found in combination with fiber and other nutrients. For example, in sugar cane, the sucrose-bounded high fiber substances are to prevent the overconsumption of sucrose. However, man has removed the fiber and all other nutrients, leaving behind concentrated sugar.
As a result, the sucrose in our sugar bowls contains concentration far exceeding those of any food that exists naturally. Excessive sugar intake may disrupt the normal physiological functions of the body and has often led to the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancers.
The solution: Raw Honey
Raw honey is the purest form of honey. It is unheated, unpasteurized and unprocessed. Raw honey is an alkaline-forming food. It is the healthiest choice due to its great nutritional values. If all this while you have been taking tea, coffee, or juices with table sugar in all your regular meals, you could replace the empty-calorie sugar with nutritious honey. Compact with multivitamins, honey serves as nature’s superfood:-
- Highly nutritious
It contains enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulphur and phosphate
- Energy source
It is absorbed much more slowly than table sugar, thus stretching the available energy of honey over a longer period of time and preventing the excessive swings of energy and fatigue associated with table sugar
- Balances metabolism
The complex substances in honey contributes to metabolic balance of our body
- Free radicals scavenger
Antioxidants such as chrysin, pinobanksin, Vitamin C, catalase and pinocembrin provide defense against free radicals, thus prevent cell damage and premature aging
- Stronger bones
Primary amino acid, praline, which is a major component of collagen, serves as the chief matrix of which the bones are formed
- Digestive aid
Raw honey contains enzymes that are present in the digestive juices which aid in digestion Healthy teeth: Honey contains inhibine that hinders the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth.
- Healthy gastrointestinal tract
Honey promotes growth of probiotic in the gut which may help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, lower cholesterol and prevent colon cancer.
- Soothes sore throat and respiratory discomfort
Antibacterial properties of honey can be used as a natural antiseptic that kill sore throat-causing bacteria.
Who will benefit from Raw Honey?
Honey is suitable for people of various age ranges. However, it is advised that honey should not be given to children under 12 months. Before the age of 12 months, a child’s intestinal tract is not well-prepared to handle the intake of honey, which may become toxic and a potential threat to infants. For people with diabetes, it is advised to limit the intake of raw honey to 2 teaspoons a day.
1. Shamala, T.R., Jyothi, Y.S. and Saibaba, P. 2000. Stimulatory effect of honey on multiplication of lactic acid bacteria under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Letters in Applied Microbiology 30: 453-455.
2. Busserolles, J., Gueux, E., Rock, E., Mazur, A. and Rayssiguier, Y. 2002. Substituting honey for refined carbohydrates protects rats from hypertriglyceridemic and prooxidative effects of fructose. The Journal of Nutrition 132: 3379-3382.
3. Allan, G.M., Korownyk, C. and Kolber, M. 2011. Do cough suppressants or honey help pediatric cough? Canadian Family Physician 57: 435. Ahmed, A., Khan, R.A., Azim, M.K., Saeed, S.A., Mesaik, M.A.,
4. Ahmed, S. and Imran, I. 2011. Effect of natural honey on human platelets and blood coagulation proteins. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 24: 389-397.
Disclaimer: The contents on this page are not to be substituted for medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented here is purely for educational purpose. This is not a prescription for self-diagnosis or self-medication. Consult your own physician regarding the application of any opinions and recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical conditions.