Start Today! Lose Weight In A Healthy Way

Step 1 : Goal Setting

No matter how many pounds you may want to shed, the single most important factor is to translate your knowledge into action. Set short term. manageable goals. For example, 'I want to lose 25kgs this year!' you'll probable give up very soon after the second week when you see how far you're from your ultimate goal. But if you set short term goal, like 'I want to lose 5kgs within 4 weeks.' Then when you lose 1 kg in week 1, you'll get very motivated to stick with it. The NewlifeTM Healthy Weight Management Programme is designed to help you to achieve your goal steadily and healthily.

Step 2 : Proper Detoxification

Give your body a new start with Dr. Lynn Tan's Detoxification & Rejuvenation Programme [DRP], which is designed to cleanse and revitalize your liver and rejuvenate your body. Create clean and healthy gastro intestines with Herbal Klenz and Immuflora. General well being of our bodies will promote healthy metabolism and better assimilation of nutrients.

Step 3 : Diet & Nutrition

Successfully achieving a new weight means changing our diet, not "going on a diet." First, we must substitute the high-calories and chemical-laden foods with wholesome food. Next, avoid or greatly decrease salt intake. Supplement with K-Salt [Potassium Salt] to remove excess sodium and edema from your body.

In creating a calorie deficit, it is important to note that we do not reduce the nutrients [a common mistake made by many and often called starvation], Supplements like Super Green Food ++ ensures he body is fed with sufficient nutrients, thus reducing food crawings. Chromium Picolinate is another essential in weight management, as it helps to metabolize sugar, reduce cravings, and burn calories.

Step 4 : Improve Your Metabolism

Kelp is needed to restore thyroid glands and metabolism.
Exercise improves general matabolism and vitality, allowing us to maintain lower weight and body fat whilst on the same food intake. How to maximise exercise despite buy schedule? The answer is the Rebounder.

N.A.S.A. study called rebounding a "miracle exercise". It also states that rebounding was 68% more efficient than treadmills or other forms of exercise. N.A.S.A. also found rebounding to be helpful in rebuilding the bone mass and muscle mass that astronauts lose in the weightlessness of space. How effective is rebounding for weight loss? To burn 150 calories, you can walk for 22 minutes; swim for 10 minutes; run for 6 minutes; or rebound for only 2 minutes!

More Tips..... Healthful Habits To Achieve Optimum Weight

Things to do
  • Create a schedule for eating.
  • Plan meals and food choices ahead, snacks included.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables - as snacks, too.
  • Take time to chew your food.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of distilled water daily, but not with meals.
  • Carry food with you to work or when going out so that you have the right choices.
  • Get rid of junk food and sweets from your home.
  • Use smaller plate and portions.
  • Sit and relax before eating.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes before taking seconds - hunger will decrease.
  • Plan activities to pccupy your free time to avert unnecessary snacking,
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Weight yourself only once every week or two.
  • Maintaon a good self-image and positive attitude toward life.
  • Avoid commercial salad dressings. Make your own with Flaxseed Oil, Apple Cider and Pure Raw Honey (in the proportion of 3:1:1).
  • Get a nutritionist help with your eating plan or for food-habit counselling.
  • Tell family and friends to support you in your pursuit to lose weight and not push food.
  • Allow yourself to indulge (reasonably) once a week without guilt or self judgement.

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